
Incredible Bass Fishing Trip On Lake Okeechobee

Capt Mark Shepard here with your Lake Okeechobee fishing report. Well folks the last 3 days I got to spend some time with long time clients Dustin and Colin been with me for a long long time great guys. We hit the perfect storm, weather coming in, fronts coming in, everything was just right and we absolutely smashed them. The third day was a little bit slow but we still caught them up to 7 pounds and still saw good numbers. The first 2 days were just off the charts, huge numbers of fish over 5 pounds and just non stop action as fast as we can go.

We were doing all live bait and after we ran out of live bait we did a little bit of artificial and caught some that way too. What an incredible 3 days, the weather coming together with the moon phase and everything was just right and it was a slug fest. This is Capt Mark Shepard, all the best everybody.

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[content_box title=”About Capt Mark Shepard” backgroundcolor=”” icon=”fa-user” iconcolor=”#3bbf4a” circlecolor=”#ffffff” circlebordercolor=”#oooooo” iconflip=”yes” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” image=”” image_width=”50″ image_height=”50″ link=”” linktarget=”_self” linktext=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Captain Mark Shepard is a full-time guide and touring professional. Experience includes BASS Master, FLW Tours, Everstart, BFL tournaments and many others. Mark has a list of accomplishments in the fishing industry a mile long including a Everstart WIN on Lake Eufaula, AL. Mark originally from Florida moved to Ohio to sharpen him northern skills and moved back from Ohio years ago to master guiding on world famous Lake Okeechobee for over 10 years now.[/content_box][/content_boxes]

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