
Hi everyone is Captain Brian Brown and this is your March 24th Lake Okeechobee fishing report.

We went out of the North end today, I was joined by David Eisenhard. We met at Garrards Bait & Tackle there and we load up the boat with 5 dozen wild shiners, golden shiners that they catch on the lake. We went out and fish for most of the day, over by Kings Bar area. The first spot we stopped on, we caught little bass… they were biting right away. We tried a couple more spots until we decided to change routes. We caught bigger large mouth on the new spot, around 4 pounds. We decided to grab the rods and threw them on the other side of the boat, we ended up with 25-30 fish out of that one area. We tried to catch one big fish, but instead we caught three 4 pounders. It was a beautiful day weather wise, cloud covers, light wind…keeping fish active.

If you have a chance to come down, give us a call! We will catch that fish of a lifetime.

Captain Brian Brown

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[content_box title=”About Capt Brian Brown” backgroundcolor=”#b2ce96″ icon=”fa-user” iconcolor=”#3bbf4a” circlecolor=”#ffffff” circlebordercolor=”#oooooo” iconflip=”yes” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” image=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/brian-brown.fishing50.card_.jpg” image_width=”50″ image_height=”50″ link=”/fishing-guides/okeechobee-fishing-guides/” linktarget=”_self” linktext=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Capt Brian Brown is a full-time bass fishing guide, he is also your go to Crappie fishing guide on Lake Okeechobee. With over 20yrs of experience Brian can help you understand the movements of fish, understand how to read your electronics. As well as helping you choose the proper tackle to use for your next fishing trip. So if you are ready for a fun day on the water with great fishing tips thrown in, Capt Brian could be the guy for you. I know he would love the opportunity to share the boat with you all while experiencing a few good laughs, new fishing strategies and maybe even catch some trophies bass or crappie along the way.[/content_box]

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