
Fresh water Bass fishing Lake Okeechobee report with Capt Brian

How’s everybody doing this is the Fresh water Bass fishing Lake Okeechobee report with Capt Brian its actually the second half of two day split trip today, and we got out at about 12 o’clock after I drop my first group off and we got some cloudy skies with a little bit of rain that kind of started pushing through, the cloudy skies I think really helped us out it keeps those fish out in the open better than if you got real bright Sunny day that pushes those fish up into the tight mats and underneath the real heavy cover that works great if you are artificial fishing, but we went back out with five dozen shiners for our 6 hour trip and so we played a little conservative and got five dozen to start with and we ran the outside edge kind of the area we left off from this morning, and the fish picked up right where they had left off and actually the bite was a lot better, it was absolutely amazing two and a half 3 hours to start the trip it seems like every fish they caught was a fish between 3 and 5 pounds. they hadn’t seen anything like it was just absolutely amazing. Amazing start of the trip and we actually burned through the shiners pretty quick being a 6 hour trip. We’re about three and a half hours 4 hours into it we had to get more in fact one of the last shiners we had before we had to run and get some more Steve ended up catching a 7 pounder we turned around and went back in and and got another 2 dozen shiners and came back out and we just had great numbers today, it wasn’t quite the same as it was earlier, but man We had a great trip, a great evening trip we had those first three hours were amazing and the next 3 hours were just as fun watching you know the fish come like they did. They just haven’t seen anything like it, the size wasn’t the same but the numbers were there, and it was just an awesome day all the way around like that. We got a little bit more rain this afternoon then we had in the morning, but I think that’s what kind of help the bite stay going I’ve got great Day to end Christmas weekend with and I’m looking forward to getting back out after him again tomorrow,Tight lines until next time, Give me a call and Let’s go do some fishing For all your freshwater fishing adventures go to This has been your Fresh water Bass fishing Lake Okeechobee report with Capt Brian looking to stretch some line with you.

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[content_box title=”About Capt Brian Brown” backgroundcolor=”#b2ce96″ icon=”fa-user” iconcolor=”#3bbf4a” circlecolor=”#ffffff” circlebordercolor=”#oooooo” iconflip=”yes” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” image=”” image_width=”50″ image_height=”50″ link=”/fishing-guides/okeechobee-fishing-guides/” linktarget=”_self” linktext=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″] Capt Brian Brown is a seasonal full-time bass fishing guide, he is also your go to Crappie fishing guide on Lake Okeechobee. With over 20yrs of experience Brian can help you understand the movements of fish, understand how to read your electronics. As well as helping you choose the proper tackle to use for your next fishing trip. So if you are ready for a fun day on the water with great fishing tips thrown in, Capt Brian could be the guy for you.[/content_box][/content_boxes]

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