
Bass fishing Lake Okeechobee report with Capt Robert

Hello, This is the Bass fishing Lake Okeechobee report with Capt Robert, and I’m just leaving slims, We had another one of those super days we got fish from the time we started to the time we quit. And it is 1:30. It’s 90 degrees here. It was 74 when I pulled in water temperature is 78 degrees, today the big fish Just aren’t biting like they should, but we’ve got some nice ones. I think 7 pounds was our biggest we caught a lot of 3 and 4 pound fish Must have caught 25 to 30 fish it was just an awesome great day i fished with With Darrel and Jared And Josh from Missouri They had a great day. I couldn’t ask for a better day, and it didn’t look like it was going to happen first thing and for the first hour and then it was just like somebody just turned the switch on it was just going going going it was just one of those fabulous fishing days. This is Capt Robert With your Bass fishing Lake Okeechobee report tightlines until next time

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[content_box title=”About Capt Robert Miley” backgroundcolor=”#b2ce96″ icon=”fa-user” iconcolor=”#3bbf4a” circlecolor=”#ffffff” circlebordercolor=”#oooooo” iconflip=”yes” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” image=”” image_width=”50″ image_height=”50″ link=”/fishing-guides/south-florida-fishing-guides/” linktarget=”_self” linktext=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″] Capt Bob Miley started bass fishing in the Florida Everglades.
The very first trip out he caught a 10lb 0/8 o/z largemouth bass, and has been fishing for bass ever since. Robert Miley has been fishing professionally on the B.A.S.S. Eastern Division, for the past 7 years. He also is the Bass Pro Shops Pro Staff representative for South Florida. Versatile in that he fishes for Peacock bass as well as trophy largemouth on Lake Okeechobee.

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