
Lake Okeechobee South Side Bass Fishing Trip

This is Capt Mark Shepard with your Lake Okeechobee fishing report.

Well, folks over the last few weeks we have had a ton of fun on light tackle light line.

Doing a variety of different types of fishing from topwater to crankbaits plastic worms and a little bit of live bait.

Not doing a whole lotta live bait been mostly doing artificial having a great time out there on the water.

Some days the numbers have been really good and we had a few days that were a little tough but it’s still been overall very good fishing.

Today out on the water with a couple of folks from Pennsylvania we ended up getting an 8 pounder a 5 a 4 some really good quality fish.

We did a little live bait in the morning and then we finished up with soft plastics which was fantastic picking up numbers.

A lot of good opportunities out there this is Capt Mark Shepard all the best.

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[content_box title=”About Capt Mark Shepard” backgroundcolor=”” icon=”fa-user” iconcolor=”#3bbf4a” circlecolor=”#ffffff” circlebordercolor=”#oooooo” iconflip=”yes” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” image=”” image_width=”50″ image_height=”50″ link=”” linktarget=”_self” linktext=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Captain Mark Shepard is a full-time guide and touring professional. Experience includes BASS Master, FLW Tours, Everstart, BFL tournaments and many others. Mark has a list of accomplishments in the fishing industry a mile long including a Everstart WIN on Lake Eufaula, AL. Mark originally from Florida moved to Ohio to sharpen him northern skills and moved back from Ohio years ago to master guiding on world famous Lake Okeechobee for over 10 years now.[/content_box][/content_boxes]

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