
Barry Hamlin July 28

Captain Jason Lake Okeechobee Fishing Charters

Hello, this is Captain Jason Young with your Lake Okeechobee fishing report.

Today we fish out of the north end of Lake Okeechobee with Berry his father and two boy Cole and Vince.  We started the day by Kings Bar fishing the outside weed line where Cole caught our first fish of the day. And then things kinda slow down in that area so we made a move down by third point where we set up next to some hydrilla patches. We then proceeded to go through nine(9) dozen wild shiners in the next three(3) and a half hours.

Fishing was on fire all day, we did mix in a couple of gar with the overall catch. They ended the trip with a huge eight (8) and a half pound lunker Okeechobee bass!

Till next time…Capt Jason Young

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