
 Repeat Customers

Hey, everyone. This is Captain Brian Brown here with the fishing report from Lake Okeechobee on December 6 and we went out Belle Glade today, and I had repeat customers Timmy and his best friend Matthew both 14 and 13 and talk about two good little sticks these guys were with me last week last Sunday in fact and and Matthew caught a 7 pounder, but today. It was all Timmy, we went out with some wild shiners, and we we headed out to kind of the main part of the lake near some of the cat tail heads and stuff out there, and it didn’t take Timmy long he wanted some vengeance on Matthew from the last time and he had a 5 and had four 4 pound fish like all in a row the the boys put it on a pretty heavy this morning. It was good to see, we got out there with the wind blowing out of the North East like it has been for almost a week we got out there and hey it was pretty choppy, but they want to try different place and we got anchored down in the right position and it didn’t take long for those bass come out and find those shiners. It was rainy a little cloudy you know the sun popped out here and there a little bit, but overall it was a slower day than yesterday, but things are starting to turn around we need a little bit colder weather to get that bite to really spark, iv been seeing a lot of guys fish up inside in the grass its looking to be pretty awesome here in the next couple of weeks so if you get a chance to get down, we’ll probably see all after Christmas vacation, but if you got some time before hand be great to set some line with you and till next time this captain Brian Brown.


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[content_box title=”About Capt Brian Brown” backgroundcolor=”#52ACCC” icon=”fa-user” iconcolor=”#3bbf4a” circlecolor=”#ffffff” circlebordercolor=”#oooooo” iconflip=”yes” iconrotate=”” iconspin=”” image=”×50.jpg” image_width=”50″ image_height=”50″ link=”/pro-fishing-guides/” linktarget=”_self” linktext=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″] Capt Brian Brown is a seasonal full-time bass fishing guide, he is also your go to Crappie fishing guide on Lake Okeechobee. With over 20yrs of experience Brian can help you understand the movements of fish, understand how to read your electronics. As well as helping you choose the proper tackle to use for your next fishing trip. So if you are ready for a fun day on the water with great fishing tips thrown in, Capt Brian could be the guy for you.[/content_box][/content_boxes]

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